I just looked at my own blog and realized that it has been over a month since I've posted anything. Maybe that is an indication of my life right now. Busy enough to not have a lot of time to sit and blog but not doing anything really exciting to share! This, however, is my life right now! There are 4 people (3 little ones and 1 not-so-little one) that consume my life and I wouldn't change a thing - well, okay maybe the colds could go away! On the days when life seems mundane and the kids are just not being so nice to each other and another one is smushing crackers all over the floor, I need to remind myself just how blessed I am, even to have those things to deal with. God has blessed us with a wonderful home, and abundance of food in the cupboards, closets full of clothes, bins of toys to play with, but mostly, a family that I am daily grateful for and so appreciative of! Sometimes I have to pinch myself that these little blessings, as well as the not-so-little one, really do belong to me! So, here are a few little snapshots of my blessings!!
Jocelyn definitely knows which cupboards do not have the latches on them! She loves to pull things out and empty them! At least she is trying to share her crackers with me!
My kids all love books and I love it that they do!
On a rainy day, what could be better than making a train together out of every pillow and blanket in the house and then putting stuffies on each one!
Jocelyn and her chair got to be the engine for the train!
Kendra and Owen decided it was nice enough to take their drawing outside! They were drawing pictures of 'outside things'. Kendra, especially, really loves to draw and is definitely more talented at it than her mother!!
Kendra quite deep in concentration drawing a dinosaur picture to take for 'sharing' in Kindergarten.
Pretty much a daily occurance - Owen at the table by himself, finishing his supper long after the rest of us.
And finally, our little missy, giving us a few poses, snot nose and all!!!