
Thursday, January 3, 2008

A proud mother!

Our daughter, Kendra, is quite a little "live wire". She has lots of energy and loves to do things at running speed. There are times, however, when she will sit still. She loves her books and she loves to colour and draw. All of a sudden the other day she said she was going to draw 'mommy'. I thought it was just going to be squiggles on the page so I was shocked when she showed me a picture of a person, complete with eyes, nose, mouth, ears, a hat and arms and legs! It truly is amazing all that a little brain can learn to do in a short amount of time. This is her latest picture: "Mommy, enjoying the sun and purple flowers". I'm so proud!

Christmas snapshots

Another Christmas season has come and gone. This year our little family decided to stay around here. We weren't too excited about driving for a long period of time with 2 little ones, especially with Owen's previous driving record and his lack of love for his carseat. We did miss seeing family up in Smithers but it was nice to spend time with family around here too. We spent Christmas day with Sylvia and Sid (my sister) and their family and Boxing Day with the rest of Kevin's family. Here are a few snapshots of life during the Christmas season!

Kendra was very excited to FINALLY get to open the presents that had been taunting her from under the tree! Owen, on the other hand, waited very patiently for his presents, eating his canteloupe.