
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Go Canucks Go!

All ready to watch the game tonight! Go Canucks go!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010


Just for fun!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bouncy fun!

Last week we pulled out the exersaucer for Jocelyn. She is getting old enough to hold up her head and is getting tired of laying on the floor. She loved it in there! I think it was a little overstimulating for her but that could have been the other 2 kids sitting around her making every toy move and make noise! We sure are loving our happy little girl!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fun at the Fair

Today we took the kids to a little fair at the parking lot of the mall. They had seen it set up a few days ago as we drove by so they were VERY excited when we said where we were going. We walked through the fair and told them that they could each pick 2 rides to go on. They wanted to see them all so they could choose their favourite ones. As you can see, they very much enjoyed their choices!!

Owen riding the dump truck of the "Construction Zone". Kendra and Owen on the "Racetrack".
Kendra riding her fancy pony!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Wee College

Last week Kendra had her graduation from Wee College. This is a once a week program that teaches kids Bible verses, stories, books of the Bible, all through songs, puppets, stories, etc. She loved going every week and learned so much! Here she is with her Bible, waiting for the program to start. She was very easy to hear as she sung her songs and recited her verses!
Accepting her certificate and her pin on stage.
My camera battery died half way through the program so we had to take the picture with her pin and certificate at home on the deck.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Remember . . .

. . . what an amazing sacrifice was made for each one of us!