I thought I would give you a little glimpse of what everyday life is like here for me and the kids while Kevin teaching. In the morning we look out our 3rd story window and wave goodbye to daddy as he leaves for work.
Then it is the usual things like breakfast, changing out of pajamas and just playing for a while. We did take along a few toys and books. The library here had a good supply of kids books so we have borrowed quite a few of those! However, I think the kids will be quite happy to see some new toys when they return home again!!
Then it is usually time for a morning outing. Sometimes we head to LCC to use the computers or to meet Kevin for lunch. Another favourite place to go is to the playground. These are few and far between in Lithuania and most of them are so old and rusty that I would't go one them myself, much less put my kids on them. However, we did find one not too far away and besides a few holes in the slides, the kids like this one! I have to watch Owen quite carefully so he doesn't lose a foot in the holes!
The other option that we do is to go to the IKI grocery story. Kendra absolutely loves to spot the IKI sign! As that we do not have a car or a very big fridge, we make quite a few trips to the store in a week. That seems to be the way to shop here!
After lunch it is time for naps in the afternoon. (Owen is back to his usually sleeping habits again so I often sneak in a nap too!)
Kevin usually manages to make it home for supper and after supper we usually head out again for a walk somewhere around town or through the park.
Before we know it, the day is done and it is time for milk bottles and a little T.V. time before bed. We don't have a T.V. hookup but we did take a little DVD player along that has come in quite handy!
So, that is a little shot of life here!