
Friday, April 24, 2009

A bike and a park

We are definitely into Spring weather around here and that means more time outside. With Kevin gone to Honduras for about 12 days, we take every opportunity to do things out of the house, just to break things up a bit. So, with the sun shining this morning, we headed off to the park. We just recently found a bike for Kendra and because we live on a fairly steep hill, riding it on the road was not really an option. We decided to pack up her bike and let her have a ride around the nice, flat walkway at the park. (Thanks Ryder, for the training wheels - it makes learning to ride a bike a whole lot easier!! Maybe next year she'll be able to ride her bike without them like you can!)

Owen was quite content to just check out what she was doing on her bike and run on ahead.

My little OCD child making sure all the '0's were lined up! After that he switched them all so the 'x's were all lined up and then was content to slide down the slide!

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