
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Creative kids

I love to watch the creativity of kids. There are some things that you can't really 'teach' kids but they somehow just figure out how to do it. Before we had all this beautiful sunshine, we had a few days of rain which meant more time during the day in the house. So, in order to entertain themselves, Kendra and Owen came up with a few new ways to use things in the house. It is so fun to see them playing and working together (with minor squabbles thrown in there too!). We'll see what they come up with next!

They had finished watching "The Magic School Bus" on T.V. and after I turned it off they decided that they needed to make their own bus. So, they lined up all the chairs and stools in the house, put a stuffie on each one and then sang "The Wheels on the Bus" song over and over!

Kendra's new fish, Jupiter, is still quite a hit (and is still alive too!!). But one day Kendra decided that he looked quite lonely in his little bowl all by himself. So, she lined up all her dinosaurs around his bowl so he would have some company. As a Japanese fighter fish who is meant to be alone, he went a little crazy with all those eyes looking at him!

My kids love to read books but on this day they decided it would be fun to use them as stepping stones on a path all through the house. I don't usually encourage stepping on books but I had a hard time stiffling their creativity and it was keeping them quite entertained on a rainy day!


Holly B said...

I love all their ideas! The dinosaurs staring down the fish was priceless!

Sarah said...

Very fun! I am impressed that the fish is still alive, too!!!