
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Diaper bag trial plus more baby stuff

I thought that this time around it might be kinda fun to make my own diaper bag. Usually i just use a backpack but I've been enjoying using my sewing machine lately so I thought maybe I would try to make an actual diaper bag. After some online searching, I found this pattern. I wanted to do a trial run first so see if I actually liked it and to get an idea of the size. So, I went through my tub of extra material and found some that I had enough of and "voila", this is what turned out!
I definitely need to use some stiffer material for the next one and I'll make a few other little changes but otherwise, I think I'll like it! It is kinda hard to see, but there are pockets all the way around the middle. I'll also think about what I want to use the pockets for, and size them to fit the objects (water bottle, wallet, wipes, etc.) I almost forget what I need to use in newborn diaper bag!! Now I just need to search for some material that I like! Not sure what I'll do with the trial one. . .

Here are also a few other projects that I've made in the last little while. It was fun to sew for a new little neice!!
Ric rac baby blankets:
Baby Blankie pacifiers:

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Love the projects you've sewn. Those blankets are adorable - love the ric rac!!