
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Reception and family stuff

Of course, what would a wedding be without a reception and some family. It was a great evening with delicious food, visiting with family, a little dancing and just having a good time (having no kids along helped too! - thanks for babysitting for the day/night, Carole and Sheldon!)
The 4 brothers: Al, Sid, Rich and Mel

The 7 siblings + mom: Al, Tina, me, mom, Rich, Mel, Sylvia and Sid (we are missing my sister Edna, who couldn't make it from Kasakhstan):

Me and my new sister-in-law, Janelle.

1 comment:

Dave and Edna, Kyla and Cody said...

Thanks for posting some pictures--Tina sent some to us too--I was busting to see some pictures. It was very weird to miss Rich and Janelle's wedding so it is great to see some pictures. Looks like we really missed out but I was pretty sure that was the case--too bad Kazakhstan is so far away.