
Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Saturday outing

This Saturday was a beautiful fall day. The sun was shining, the sky was blue and the leaves were beginning to change colour. So, it looked like the perfect day for a family outing. We had talked all summer of going out to the Aquarium and spending some time in Stanley park so we decided that today was the day! Even the drive there was a beautiful one. The kids thought driving through downtown Vancouver was quite fun too - in between all the HUGE towers. We often forget things that we are so used to that are new to kids!

Oh, the excitement once we arrived. Kendra hardly new which way to look! It was great fun to see them so interested in all the different fish, turtles, rainforest animals, dolphins, belugas, sea otters and other sea creatures!

We also did the 4D movie. This is like watching a 3D movie but with the added sensations of getting sprayed with water, being poked in the back of your seat, having things wiggle at you feet and feeling wind blowing. Pretty cool! Owen wasn't thrilled with the water part but doesn't he look cool in his glasses! Okay, he looks like a geek but at least we all did together!

We spent some time walking around the park after the aquarium but our camera battery died so we have no pictures of that. :( You'll just have to check in out yourself and go see the beauty of God's creation. I'm not sure there is a better time to witness what a creative God we have that fall!
We enjoyed a quiet drive home with both kids fast asleep in their carseats - okay, I had a little sleep too! A great family day!


The Bossert 5 said...

What a great idea!! Glad to see and 'read' that you had a good time! You look awesome Hilda!! Can't wait to meet the next little deWolde!!!

Wubben World said...

We LOVE Stanley Park!! What a great way to spend a family outing.