
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hospital stay

Right now this blog entry is coming to you via the computer in Jocelyn's hospital room. As per this time of year, kids with colds are pretty common and our 2 older kids each got one last week. (gotta be fair and make sure they each get the same!). So it was no surprise that Jocelyn began to get snotty and have some coughing too. However, with a 3 month old, this can quickly turn into something a little more serious. On Saturday her breathing began to get raspy and laboured and we decided to get her checked out. As all the clinics were already closed, I took her into emergency to get looked at. We were admitted over night and then released on Sunday afternoon because she was looking better. The little trickster had us fooled ! Monday morning she woke up much worse with lots of wheezing, raspy breathing and yucky, flemmy coughing, to the point where she was kinda scaring me. So, back to the hospital we went. They admitted her again and are watching her quite closely.

We are receiving great care here and we will for sure be here for another night yet. She is getting better but still has a lot of gunk in her lungs. Her official diagnosis is RSV and bronchiolitis. So far she has been a real trooper and has remained her happy little self. (I am managing to stay fairly stable too!) It has been a HUGE blessing that my mom was here to visit as she is able to be at home to care for the other two kids. That is a big stressor off of me!

I don't have my camera here with me or I would post a picture of her in her little 'cage crib' in the hospital! I will update this if anything else changes. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Your life verse will come in handy at a time like this...
"Be still and know that I am God."
Psalm 46:10

We will be praying for Jocelyn's quick recovery and for YOU, too! That is so scary.