
Monday, May 2, 2011

Finally, a sunny afternoon!

I know we don't live in Alberta where they still have snow, but it has been unseasonably cold here.  Usually by now we are planting our flowers outside, breaking out the flip-flops and enjoying time on the deck.  Not so this year yet.  Yesterday, however, the sun decided to come out and give us a beautiful day.  So, we figured we better take advantage and get outside to 'go exploring'!  So, we headed up to Rolley Lake, just north of Mission.  Kevin is training the kids young to have a love for exploring new places.  It really is fun to see them so excited about walking down a path and marvelling at the fallen trees with new growth coming out of them, to see how the trees look 'spooky' with the moss growing on them.  They are excited to find a new little path off the main one to go down and discover what lies at the end of it.  We had a wonderful afternoon!  Bring on the summer!
 Kendra taking pictures with her camera. 
Owen looking for something to discover under the bridge.
 Off to find something else!
 There were so many cool stumps to look at.  This one was completely hollow inside.

 Jocelyn had had enough exploring for one day - time for a nap!
 However, once she discovered the beach, it was a whole new world again! 

We forgot to take buckets and shovels but that didn't seem to bother the kids too much.  It is amazing what you can do with your hands in the sand!


Sarah said...

Love Rolley Lake! Looks like you had a great day :)

Holly Brandsma said...

Great photos. Awesome family trip. Looking forward to doing some ourselves too!