
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A little of everything . . .

Sometimes I find that even though I think not much is going on in our little home, there always seems to be something happening.  So, here are a few shots of life in our home over the last little while.
Of course, life right now pretty much just revolves around the Canucks and when they play next.  Fourtunately, we are all quite excited about the Canucks and look forward to watching the games.  Here Kendra and Owen are trying out the Canuck quiz that I gave to the ladies in my women's group at church.  Don't tell the ladies, but Kendra did much better than most of of them did!!!
 Here is a shot of Kendra and the zoo that she drew for "Z" week in Kindergarten.  She got a "How to draw animals" book from Grandma's thrift store and decided she wanted to try drawing them all so she made it into a zoo with different habitat sections, a park, benches, garbage cans and a parking lot!  It turned into quite the project but looks great! 
 Kendra is also playing t-ball again in the Church league.  She loves it that her team is made up of mostly kids from her church and she loves her coaches!  Here she is, ready to catch the next ball!
 In the very few nice days that we've had in the past while, the kids have been loving the trampoline.  Even Jocelyn is getting in on the action!  (I've discovered that the trampoline is also a great play pen for Jocelyn when I need to get a few things done in the yard and I don't want her to escape to the front!)
 Finally, just a few shots of what our 18-month old loves to do!!  What is the fascination with toilets and toilet paper?!
 Her other favourite thing to do is sit and 'read' her books!  So cute!!
Just a little glimpse into life at the deWolde household!

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