
Saturday, June 30, 2012

A morning at the park

We are now officially into summer holidays!  It is very nice not to have to rush out anywhere in the morning or  make lunches - we can just relax and do things when we feel like it!  That being said, it is also nice to be able to go out to spend some time in places other than the house!  So, with the sun shining, we packed up the bikes and headed to Mill lake for the morning.

There really is something amazing about watching kids explore the world around them and be fascinated by what they see and find.  We've been to Mill Lake many times, but they never tire of looking at the birds, searching for baby ducks, finding eagle's nests, climbing trees, playing at the park and just enjoying their time outside.  So fun!  It challenges me to find enjoyment in the little things in life and never to take things for granted! 

Hoping for many more sunny summer days of exploring ahead!

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