
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sock Monkey

This is a little  project that I have wanted to try for a while.  And, with the weather being the absolute pits lately, I needed a distraction from all the rain we've been having.  (You would think I would be used to the rain by now, having lived in the Lower Mainland for 14+ years but I am so ready for some sunshine!)  Here is my first try at making a sock monkey.  He looks a little "thick" in the neck but for my first try I am pretty happy!
 There are lots of patterns on the internet for the traditional monkey

I also found this website for a more 'modern' looking monkey.  I would love to find some of these striped socks and try making a few into monkeys.  I think they would make cute baby presents.

 For now, this little guy will just sit on Jocelyn's crib or be added to the 'stuffy' basket in our home.