
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Kid's room art

Another summer home project was switching the kids around in their rooms.  I will do a post on that when they are all finished.  (Kendra's room is just waiting for her desk to be made).  So, with new rooms, I decided it would be fun for the kids to make some new art to hang on their walls.  I have seen this art done before but had never tried it with the kids.  They thought it was quite fun and loved how they turned out.
Step 1:  I picked up a value pack of small canvas's (sp?) with my Michael's coupon.  Using painter's tape, they each taped off their own design on their canvas.  We made sure to wrap the tape all the way around the edge of the canvas. 

Step 2:  Once they were happy with the design, it was time to paint!  I used acryllic paint from the dollar store.  Each section was painted a different colour.

 I did the older two kids first while Jocelyn was napping but once she woke up, she got in on the action too.  I was quite happy that I did the kids somewhat separately!  It might have been a little crazy with all three  painting at the same time!!

 Step 3:  Once the paint was dry, they could carefully pull off the tape, making sure to pull off the pieces in the reverse order of how they were put down. 

 Step 4:  Hang the art on the wall and enjoy their masterpieces!


Tara V said...

love it!

Sarah said...

I love how you got them to do a couple paintings each, to surround their first initial. These look so great! Kid art is the best to hang in the house, I think! We have a lot of it up around here.