
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Our little dancing cow!

Last night Kendra had her very first dance recital. It was entitled "A Nativity Story" and it was put on by "Everybody Dance Now" studios. The evening was made up of all the different dance classes that the studio runs and obviously Kendra's class represented the cows in the story. The run all different types of classes from pre-ballet to hip-hop for worship classes. It was SO cute to see all those little dancers! I've seen other little dancers before but when it is your own little girl doing her very best and concentrating so hard to remember her steps, - - well, we were very proud of our little dancing cow! Here is Kendra, all ready to go on stage!
Kendra goes to the dance class with her neighbor friend and they were thrilled that they got to dance right beside each other!

We did take a video of the dance but I can't get it to load so the pictures will have to do!

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